Our Services
Biological Surveys & Services
Circle Ecology is proficient in surveying for a variety of biological features. CE is able to follow established protocols from government agencies or develop protocols catered to your project. CE partners with many biological specialists if species-specific surveys are required. The following surveying capabilities are available:
Migratory bird monitoring to determine population status and trends
Locating and mapping nesting raptors
Mammals surveys; including trapping and cameras
Pollinator surveys
Honey bee Hive Management Service
Botanical inventories and rare plant surveys
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program
Environmental Compliance
Circle Ecology has experience with environmental compliance required for development projects, including transportation, green energy development, and oil and gas industries. Capabilities include:
Migratory Birds and Eagles
Raptor nest surveys and monitoring
Breeding and migratory bird surveys
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act compliance
Migratory Bird Treaty Act compliance
Conservation and management plans
Threatened and Endangered Species
Desert Tortoise surveys and monitoring
Section 7 compliance
Biological Assessments
Habitat assessments
Coordination with agencies